Thursday, December 30, 2010

Random post of cuteness

I always loved the roof of my house.  It was easy to get on to, because my dad's toolshed had a lower roof and was next to the brick wall separating our yard from the neighbor's; so I'd climb up on the wall, on top of the shed, and onto the roof of the house.

I wouldn't go up very often, but when I did, it felt liberating.  Most of the houses in my neighborhood were single-story, so perched atop the roof, I spied a vast sea of houses spreading from horizon to horizon – the suburbs of Los Angeles County.  And from my vantage point, I felt free, and sort of disconnected from the world, but at the same time strongly linked to everything and everyone around me.  It's a feeling I miss, and one that I haven't experienced for a long time, but this picture reminded me of it.

I don't know why, but I felt I had to share that.  Anyway, back to regularly-scheduled programming: me not posting.  Hahaha

Hope everyone's doing great though.  The new year rears its lovely head in just over a day! =)


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