Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy new year, and other news

Ah, the crisp smell of January.

When I go outside – at any time of day, but especially at night – I am awed by how quiet it is.  I think I've already mentioned this in a post (yes, come to think of it, I have), but it's worth mentioning again.  It's such a foreign concept to me, that any place could be so still.  I always have to pause and soak it all in.

Not that I mind the sounds of the city, or anything.  I find that, also, comforting – just in a different sense.

School starts tomorrow.  Tomorrow being Tuesday, which is odd, since I have classes on Mondays, but not till next week, it seems.  I'm very much looking forward to this term.  Last term I did well, even though I only managed to score a C+ on my math.  I'm not going to scoff at getting that in a math class, though.  I'm going to start taking more of the classes having to do with my major (which is business) – intro to management, business computing (which should be a breeze since I already know how to use MS Office), and business writing.  I hear the business writing prof is one of those instructors who says, "in my class, you'll never get an A, so I start all grading at 80% [which is the start of the 'B' grade in Canada]".  I've not had any experience with her personally, but if this is her attitude, then I think I'm going to have an issue.

Writing is like my soul.  I cherish the ability to think and speak in the manner of poets and playwrights.  I have also always been terribly good at writing business documents (letters, contracts, etc), and had to help my dad on more than one occasion because his English is not very good, and he has a business to run.  I'm not saying I'm perfect – far from it.  I'm not even saying I'm A material right off the bat.  But to never be able to attain an A in her class at all?  No matter how much I try?  Upsetting.  But rumors, at the moment.  We shall see.  I got nearly perfect in my accounting class, which I think speaks volumes about what I can achieve if I put my mind to it.

Speaking of writing, a few weeks ago I started exchanging emails and IMs with a boy named Nik, also from SoCal.  He took an interest in the fact that I mentioned I wrote fiction, and I passed him along a chapter or two from my latest work.  In exchange, he sent me some stuff too, and when I took the time to read it, I discovered how great of an author he really is.  It's made me want to go back and re-write several bits and pieces.  I'm mentioning this because I finally motivated him enough to start his own blog, and he asked me if I could link him.

So here's his blog, Skyboys.  Add him to your RSS if you're so inclined =)

Anywho, I need a haircut, pretty darn badly.  So I am going to do that today, and figure out what books I need to buy for school.

Until next time, love you all!

-skybluekid <33


  1. Sounds like everything is great! I know what you mean about the noise and quiet. I lived on the busiest street in town (also the main route to the hospital and the crossover to the other side of town for the firetrucks). I fell sleep to mayhem every night. Then moved to a deadend street in a quiet subdivision. How awesome is that!

    I've had profs like the one you describe. What bums.

    Very happy for you and your grades. And you know what, a C+ is not a bad grade. Perhaps not an A+, but you passed the class! Hurray! LOL

    Well cool on the new friend. Is he someone you knew from back home? It's neat he'll be posting. I'll head over and read it. You ought to post some of your work. Perhaps on SkyBlue's Bookblog or something as second blog. (Like you've got time to run a second blog!)

    Hope you didn't get too sheared!
    Peace <3

  2. I've often wondred what college is like in Canada, if it's any different from the US. I guess it's the same.

    Teachers being nothing more than academic bullies.


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