Monday, September 27, 2010

Wasting money sucks =\

So here we are... the weekend has come and gone, and I'm ready to jump into another week at school.

This weekend wasn't much.  Kyle works overnights and so our schedules end up crossing... he'll come home and go to sleep, and I'll wake up and be up while he's sleeping.  Then he has to go to work.  >.<

None of the places I applied to got back to me yet.  I can't work anywhere else but school right now until my six months have passed as mandated by the government, so I'm kind of stuck without a job unless one of these places gets back to me.  I mean, it's only been a week, but I'm not feeling very confident on getting hired unfortunately.  I did end up dropping a class (that Canadian Government class) because the prof is ridiculously bad and I don't want to fail the course.  I'll take it next term because I'm interested, and this guy's not teaching next term.  But that does mean that my schedule's freed up quite a bit, which I will let my prospective employers know (since they like to know your schedule so they can see if it's worth hiring you).

I hope that gets me in good with them.  Or, I mean, in better with them xD

A friend of mine who's still in high school came out to me not long ago, even though it was painfully obvious he was gay from the day I met him.  Either way, he finally said he was comfortable with it enough to accept himself and share with others, and he told me.  Since I never came out to him ever (our parents are friends and we were never classmates), I decided I'd let him know, too.  He wasn't surprised either XD  Anyway, he came out to his parents unintentionally on Saturday (his mom kind of boxed him into a corner and he had no choice but to confirm it), and his parents freaked right out.  I didn't get much of a chance to talk to him about it today since I was distracted most of the day by random chores and homework (and the inevitable 1.5 hour phone call to my parents T_T), but I could tell he was really agitated.  I hope I get to talk to him about it tomorrow, since I can feel what he's going through and I really wished I had someone to talk to when I started coming out.

On a side note, I'm a bit worried about him being forced out of the closet for mainly two reasons.  His parents and my parents are good friends, so no doubt his parents and my parents will talk... I hope during those conversations, nothing about my sexuality comes up, because my parents are not ready for that, but I don't doubt that they've suspected for a while.  I mean, it is a bit obvious, but they've never just up and asked me.  Secondly, I hope my friend doesn't drop my name in a conversation with his parents.  He always kind of looked up to me, but I don't want him to use me as a sort of an "example of a gay person" to his parents.  I don't want to be outed like that, because then my parents will FOR SURE know, and then I'm screwed.

I trust him enough for him not to do that.  There was a reason I told him to begin with, despite the risks of him being so closely connected with my family.  But, it doesn't stop me from slightly worrying about it.  Slightly.

I'll keep you guys updated on how things go on his end.  His mom's a spazz and religious nut, and his dad is pretty homophobic.  He was telling me briefly, before he logged, that his mom said he should get psychological and religious counselling.  =\  he's in a bad situation right now, so I really hope his parents chill out and stop fussing.  That kind of behavior really affects someone, and not in a good way.  It could ruin not only the rest of his teenage years, but also his relationship with his parents forever.  So yeah.  Here's hoping things get better quickly T_T

I bought some freshly-caught fish from the grocery store the day before yesterday.  All weekend I had no time to cook it, and it went bad.  Two fillets cost me $20... I'm so pissed.  They were really expensive but they were FRESH and looked GODLY.  *sigh* so much for fish for a while.  I can't afford any for a bit.  -.-

Alright, that's enough rambling for one evening.  Baiii <33



  1. I hate it when schedules cross like that. Only time it's been beneficial for me was when I was in a miserable relationship and happy to not have to share the bed! Probably TMI, sorry :-)

    Good luck on the job.

    I feel for your friend, and I think you need to make sure he understands that he can't mention you to his parents. You need to come out to your parents if, and/or when you are ready, and in the manner that you choose, not because they get it hook, line, and sinker from someone else.

    But it sounds like he is in a bad way. In the interest of not getting too wordy, I have some idea about that kind of situation that happened with a friend of mine. The homophobia can likely be overcome, the religious fervor is a tougher nut to crack. If he gets counseling (and he might want to, just to learn to cope with the home situation), I hope the direction is "this is who I am, and I can't change it, neither can anyone else, now call my mom in here and convince her of that".

    I'm glad I'm not alone in letting food go bad. Last time I went to the store, I bought plenty of salad stuff, and veggies for stuff like pizza, pasta, all kinds of things - and forgot about it all. I've got a drawer full of rotten vegetables. Ugh, that's tomorrow night's project! I do love fish, though, and I fix it the day I buy it! HAHA

    Sounds like life is going well, Skybluekid!

    Peace <3

  2. This is the first time I am reading your blog and I love how refreshingly relaxed it is. I'm starting university in a few months hopefully.

    Okay, I'm going to read your entire blog now.

    Keep writing,

    Oh, and Jay sent me :) He's a good guy. I'll create a link to your blog from mine when I have time. Sunday, I think. Xx

  3. Hey Asch, thanks for adding me =) I like your blog with the hot boys on the front page =P every blog should have that, including mine. Hmmmm something to think about haha =D

    Take care <33


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